Invitation to Invest KOREA Summit 2024: Registration is now open
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Name 한국외국기업협회 DateDate 24-09-10 10:13 Hit577첨부파일
- 1. Invest KOREA Summit 2024 Poster En.pdf (222.9K) 11 Download DATE : 2024-09-10 10:13:18
- 5.[IKS2024]ManualforregistrationprocessEng.pdf (429.3K) 12 Download DATE : 2024-09-10 10:13:18
The Invest KOREA Summit, which started as 'Foreign Investment Week' in 2006, has evolved into
Korea's largest investment promotion event over 19 occasions. Invest KOREA does not stop here, and
aims to take this event to the next level.
Participants can meet with senior government officials and heads of local governments in charge of Korea's investment policy to get the latest investment policy information from the government and local governments. In addition, meetings with major foreign investors from about 200 companies around the world will allow you to get an opportunity to attract investment.
For more information on the event, please visit our website at